Study Tours



What we do for Schools and Community Organizations: 

We offer a wide array of choices for your university, college, high school, middle school or community group and can tailor tours to meet the specific interests of students & educators.  Cultural Links study tours are perfect for community engagement or service learning projects, nature/wildlife expeditions, family heritage reunions or anyone who wishes to gain a deeply meaningful, historical and global education experience.

Our staff is highly trained, with a combined 50+ years of group programming and curriculum development to support your student learning outcomes.  Cultural Links is committed to your groups’ safety, enrichment and health while abroad.  If needed, we offer chaperone support as well.  Our Personalized Group Tours are an economical way to travel and are packed with quality excursions that will surely soak up your journals!


Group tour structures are ideal for:

  • First-time travelers to Ghana, West Africa

  • Repeat travelers looking for an “off the beaten path” experience

  • Family vacations

  • Business/Organization trips

  • School groups/University or College excursions

Cultural Links Tours & Ventures can be personalized to fit your specifications and can include a wide range of activities and learning experiences.  Here are some of the topics our previous participants enjoyed:

  • Village Life & Family structure (village home-stay)

  • Traditional Festivals & Ceremonies

  • Traditional African Religion

  • Panafest & Panafricanism

  • Nature & Wildlife

  • History of the Slave Trade & African Holocaust

  • Herbal Medicines of Ghana

  • Ghanaian history and language

  • Education & Health Systems in Ghana

  •  Business and Investment

  • Artisans and their crafts

  • African Music and Dance intensives

  • African American Repatriation

Contact us for special student rates during off-season travel periods (October – November; February-April).  You can also choose your budget options from our already reasonably priced seasonal group tours and receive even greater discounts for large groups!


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