Telling Testimonials
Amari Joseph
I remember talking to my grandmother and she used to tell me how communities were a lot stronger back then than they are today because everyone worked as a team and supported each other to get where they needed to be. Everybody in your neighborhood was a part of your family and had rights to discipline you if there were problems being caused by the individual. So when I saw how in Africa it’s the same, I was happy. It’s always good to build relationships with other families in your community because it builds security.

Educators Abroad
Titilayo Makini (Owner), Nika Semo Emu (Pre-School in CA), Teacher, Mother, Student, Traveler
Ghana feels like home to me coming from the South. They wave at you, sitting on the porch. Like southern black folks. How they talk to you like, ‘Did you get your mango today?’ Africa is like allowing everybody to participate in life.

Demountria Williams
Going to Ghana was a powerful and emotional experience for me. I feel every African American should touch the soil of Africa. It was a strong connection between me and Africa.

Nabulanje Ward-Judah
And then the support you actually have from people who want you to experience something they never experienced. It’s like, ‘Okay, I can do this. That was my tipping point of life. And now that I went, I want to go again and again and again and I want to share and teach and learn and I think it’s important for everyone to experience study abroad.

Michael Wright
I think it was the next day when we visited the first community, but the way they kind of welcomed us and embraced us with their tribal, traditional ceremonial dance, their customs, or their customary dance and drumming. Like that was very transformational. The fact that we got to kind of break bread and eat with them at the end. I had never done that. Of course, you go to eat and stuff like that with your family. I had never met any of these people before, but it didn’t feel like I’m just eating with strangers. It felt like I was part of the community. That was very transformative, like eating off the same plate with somebody. Just in case I forget to say it, I think that was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, impact in a very spiritual way. To me, it connects you more. It connects you back in touch with your humanity and who you are as a human being, which allows you to connect with other people, I think.